divendres, 15 de gener del 2016

What’s Your Animal Personality Type?

ESFJs are genuine and authentic, and they care deeply about those around them. These are the kind of individuals who bring out the best in those around them, and they are serious about loyalty and responsibility to their families, friends, and co-workers. They are generous and they love to bring joy to others, but they are also sensitive and easily hurt. ESFJs are often blind to the flaws of those they love and they are incredibly trusting and full of love.

genuine- sincer.      serious- seriós.     responsibility- responsables.   sensitive- sensible.

authentic - autèntic.  loyalty- lleials.   generous- generós.   easily hurt- facilment ferit.

blind to the flaws - no veure els defectes.  incredibly trusting- confiats. 

I'm agreement with what the text says. it's true I worry for other people because I like the people are good. In my group of friends normally I am organized things and my friends trust me with my proposals and my decisions. I hate the discussions and fights for this reason always I looking solutions. Also I hate the people selfish, I think the persons who have this virtud they have bad luck. I don't like have this personality, I love be generous and help the persons who need. It's true when the text says: they are also sensitive and easily hurt. I feel bad when my firends disappoint me but I'm very strong, and I don't sensetive, but so I have more empathy for other people.

dilluns, 4 de gener del 2016

Wearable tech can monitor dog health

I looked at the National Geographic and I found a lot of news about wearables but after read some news I have chosen this: Wearable tech can monitor dog health.
This news explain about communication between dogs and humans. 

This news explains that this invention was created the united states.This invention  is a harness that puts the dog. This harness has sensors that detect and control as is the dog at all times. And directly sent a message to owner. 
The harness can also detect movements of dogs, whether we're being, standing, lying down ...
Also more information on the more subtle welfare of the dogs is also recoge through Frequency rate and the body temperature sensors.It is important to know this because it is sometimes important to know if the dog is stressed or nervous. 

Says the news is important to know because the guide dogs can not be more stressed. And the dogs can damage the owner. Thus the owner might notice time if the dog is uncomfortable.

On one hand I think it is a good idea because you know everything that happens your dog  and you know more his feelings but on the other hand I find that we already have enough controlled and manipulated and this invention still have much.