This wonderful film called war horse, is about the extraordinary story of friendship among the young Albert and a horse named Joey, separating his ways because beginning of the First World War.
Albert has a very strong connection with his horse but arrive war and his father sells horse because they need money. The father of Albert sell Joey to an army officer named Captain Nicholls. Thereafter Albert and his horse are separated. Joey fight the war with Captain Nicholls but after the death of Captain, Joey goes through many owners. He lives many sad and violent situations. On the other hand, Albert has to go to war while he is at war, he reunited with his beloved horse. Joey is very hurt but finally gets to live and they return home.
This film was nominated for best film also for best soundtrack and more awards. It is an extraordinary and moving performance by great actors. I didn’t know the horse Joey but now is my favourite horse. I love it. The war horse is gripping and entertaining, it is a suspense and a full of drama.
The soundtrack gives more dramatic effect. The special effects represent war very well. The scenery is very sad, dark and dramatic.
I like this film and it’s the one of my favourite movies. But when I saw the trailer I think that I don’t like it but now I love it.