divendres, 19 de maig del 2017

Write an opinion essay in which you talke into account the school system? The teachers and the students.

I think that the education system must improve a lot, because everytime more children leave studies with only 16 years. 
Also I think that for improve education system what it takes are more social educators to help more these teenagers witch do not succeed so ahead and they can finish eso.
The teachers everytime there are more than they eorl without vocation and this affects students.
The students who don't have family stable and that there support with studies they left school studies because the teachers also not give motivation. 
I think that the best solution it would be that more relation between teenagers and teachers because it would create more confidence and students would have more interest on the subjects.
Imagine you have a toxic friend that is runing your life. Write a letter to him/her explaining the problem and proposing solutions to re-establish your mutual confidence.

Dear Gemma, how are you?
I write you because I want to help you.
I tire that you tell lines everyday and I help and I be by your side for something that is false.
I know that you don't suffer any disease, you don't be anorexic and all is lie.
I know that now you living the best life because everybody give you all their love and atention. But I think that lie with this disase it's not good, you are very wrong doing this. I'm angry because you lied to me with this big lie, but I want to help you get out of this lie.
I propose to talk with you and you parents about the thruth
Are love-locks romantic or  menace? Write a for argainst essay about this practice.

I think it is difficult to have an open relationship and that It will work out well. If it works it's because  the couple and when they meet with another person who is not their love.
I couldn't have an open relationship because I have a intensive feelings and I couldn't have something with another person if I don't have feelings for him.
I would feel incomfortable. If I will go to study in another country for long time probably I would have an open relationship but with conditions or limits with my couple. For exemple if my boyfriend would go to the party and he wants to be with a girl he can but after he can't give his number neither meet again. It's obiusly that he has to tell me what he has done

dijous, 11 de maig del 2017

Are we too dependent on mobil phones? Could we live without mobile phones nowdays? Write an opinion essay?

In recent years, an increasing number of mobiles pohone around the world phones are a big help, it has a big service. The question is whether this is good for everyone.

One the one hand,  Mobile phones have progressed a lot and almost all people of the world have one. I'm dependent on the mobile phone. I use it many hours and now I wouldn't live without it. 
But  I think that other people would in  the same situation. I think that years ago people could be without mobile phone.

They went out more than now and met each other because they didn't depend on mobile phones.