I usually wear casual clothes. I would have more clothes because I love it. But I can not afford it, and so I am not enemy fashion. I wear the clothes I have, I would have more clothes but when I see that I can not buy, I think there are people who still have less and they don't complain.
divendres, 11 de desembre del 2015
diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015
Comig of age : Bull jumping
The mysterious country.
My dream is travel to Australia because I like this country and because I love the animalswho live there.
I love the animals and in Australia there are lot of different animal.
There are amazing animals for this reason I like this country because I live in L'Armentera and in this village there are cats and dogs

I will see the cascade "Phantom Falls" and I will surf on the big waves of Australia.
I will see, touch and catch the koalas, kangaroos and other amazing animals.
Australia has some of the world's most distinctive and diverse natural environments, with unique wildlife, and spectacular landscapes, including many national parks and World Heritage Areas. I would like visit to this amazing place.I will practice snorkel with fish and corals. I will sleep in a shelter about nature.I will visit Uluru in the outback to Australia and I will know culture aborigin.
My different holidays
In this post I will talk about my summer holidays. I explain how they were? what problems had? and some anecdotes!
This year my holidays have been different. Every year went on vacation with my parents or my cousins. Never we were leaving for Catalonia but also we were going away from home. Usually we went to the mountains, we did trips every day and we bathed frozen rivers. This year has been all very different. I went on holiday in the campsite named Dunas We did not take the car,we rode bikes with two minutes we arrived the campsite. This time it was not with the parents I went with my best friends. And finally, different from other years, we did not go to the mountain but very near the beach.
The first day was the heaviest and warmest. so we had to mount the tent and prepare everything. We organized the work, All prepared meals and cleaned the dishes. It was fun because every day we thought what we had to buy ingredients to prepare the food. I went to the supermarket of campsite and we divided the cost and paid all the same part.
Every day in the morning we went to the beach and then we went to the pool. In the afternoons playing cards, played beach volleyball or screwdriver again to the pool. Finally in the evening we went to the disco Fata, disco of the campsite. All this routine for a week, we did what we wanted and we had a parents.
I loved this experience and these new holidays. We hope next year to repeat them.
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Shark Feeding Frenzy Caught on Camera in Florida
The latest news I have found it to National Geographic "Shark Feeding Frenzy Caught on Camera in Florida" I read the headline and I wanted to do it. I wanted to know what had happened.the news speaks on the topic of sharks.
The news explains that a family was on the beach in Florida when they are approached lots of sharks.They say they spent much fear as their children were approached while playing between 40 and 50 sharks.
The scientists say: the sharks came on the coast because they chasing a school of fish. Also say that sharks do not attack together, but on the coast there are many fish and all sharks agree there. The family did not spend anything, they separated in time. The family recorded the scene and they say: It seemed like a horror film, they had never seen so many sharks together.
I have very lucky live in Catalonia because in this country it's not common to see sharks off the coast.It scares me a lot if I meet them while I shower.But from the sand would have liked to see the scene. It's truth that sharks are animals that make much impression. I liked reading this news. I had no difficulty in understanding it.
Science Still Can't Explain Why These Tarantulas Are Blue
I looked at the National Geographic and I found another news that spoke of another animal. Also I found interesting and surprising. I do not know this species of spiders so large, because where I live don't exsist these spiders.
The news tells us about basically because these spiders are blue.Many scientists are investigating, and They have their conclusions.The scientists distinguish two types of spiders,one of the spiders was a lighter color and the other darker.
Another deduction that make is the pigments of the leaves do the crystalline array like a mirror that reflects wavelength of incoming light. The tarantulas , that wavelength happens to be the same shade of blue. Other scientists believe that they have this color because they want do a message, and this message is “come here” or “don’t eat me.”
Finally say they are still investigating because they do not yet know why the color blue.
I liked reading the news because they knew nothing about this type of spiders. I did not like because at the beginning of the news said that explains why the blue spiders. and finally I stayed with the same intrigue. And also there are a lot of words I didn't understand and I I searched a lot dictionary.
dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015
Only three Northern white Rhinos Remain
This news National Geographic seemed very interesting. I was very surprised when I saw the headline of the news " Only three Northen White Rhinos Remain".
This news mainly tells rhinoceros.Explains that four white rhinos and one this rhinos died. This has caused fears that the subspecies is doomed for extinction.
This rhinos named Nola a 41-year-old female, had to be euthanized by San Diego Zoo staff Sunday.The Zoo staff already for days trying to cure it, but did not see a solution. According to the news there are only three rhinos. And this rhinos are very olds and they are considered too old to reproduce naturally. For this res, the scientists are trying to save the species and they take sex cells of rhinos and make vitro fertilization in a southern white rhino.
Also in danger of extinction because Africa and Asia there are a lot of poaching, because hunters want their horns because with this horns they can medications traditionals.
Finally the staff Zoo in this news trying to make people think.
I find that have done very well to make this news, to try to show people what humans do. Actually society does not think about the future only think about the present.They only have interest for earn money and live the life. The people don't think the consequences. They don't think the rhinos also are living beings same as and they have the same right to live.
divendres, 20 de novembre del 2015
The evil stepmother
Once upon a time there was a beautiful prince. Also there was a maid, with a special personality, who loves the prince. They fell in love and they had many romantic moments. But the flame turn off and prince started to stay with others beautiful girls, and he found his love. The maid, Angelica didn’t know about that affair. After one year Angelica discovered romantic cards of her husband who had written to another woman.
These letters spoke about a pregnant woman, the woman who was with her husband the prince. Angelica was sad because her husband had been cheating. Angelica decide to leave her home and go far away because she wanted to forget her husband and all the adventures they had spent together.
While Angelica was far away, the prince and the other woman started a new live together. They had the baby with the name of Cinderella.
After fifteen years Cinderella’s mother died. Angelica read a letter that said that the princes was dead and she returned to the palace because she wanted revenge.
She had a plan, first win the prince’s heart. The second step was to kill the prince with poison in his meal. And finally, abuse her bastard daughter, and she named Cinderella the maid of the palace.
One day Cinderella and the stepmother began to discuss and Cinderlla had a wrath attack and she caught a knife and she stabbed Angelica’s abdomen, but Angelica caught a vase and she threw that vase on the head of Cindarella. Therefore both died.
Sometimes the best solution is the Predicted, because everything that you do has concequences, as we see in this little story, where Angelica recives all she give, that is Karma.
divendres, 13 de novembre del 2015
Chee Seng and Tracy: Coming of age
In this post we explain a differences and similarities of film named thirteeen and the book the best of time.

dimarts, 10 de novembre del 2015
I speak about my favourite film.
I have a lot favourite films. I like Saga Crepusculo, Tres metros sobre el cielo, Flicka and more films. But yesterday I saw Els diamants de sang in Tv3 and I love it.
The biggining I trough the film I didn't like but immediately I was hooked and could not stop watching the movie.
Few films made me cry but when I saw this film I could not stop crying. It's a dramma and action film. Throughout the Diamants de sang there are action, all the while they are with war, fights, shots, blood and death. Kidnap children to make them soldiers also the terrorist raping girls and their husbands are slaves. A terrible and sad situation.
The history of the movie happens in Africa in the mines.
The worst is that the film is made on real events, and today there are many children abducted drugs and they use of soldiers, and her o his family don't know where are.
This movie made me think that there are may children are a bad moments and they have to live a horrible life.
I don't know how to do it but I would help them.

dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2015
My best animal
I love animals, for that reason I have chosen this topic. I tell why i like animals? How are animals? and more information I think it might be interesting. I begin explain about general animals and after I will focus about the dogs. And finally I will tell anecdotes and experience about my dogs.
When I was little I love animals. Always I like animals. The animals are living beings like us.Many animals have more feelings that many people. We just have to look at the dogs help blind people. it is difficult to find a person to help as much as they do dogs.
All my life I have lived with animals, initially only played with the cats in the street. Every year when the female cats give birth. I spent hours playing with the kittens and keep an eye on all were well fed.
One day my parents gave me a dog. This is where I began to find new experiences on dogs. My dog started having psychological pregnancies.So we made my dog get pregnant and eventually gave birth to five puppies. All were females. After I get my dog didn't have a psychological pregnancies. My dog caught the disease hepatitis. After living a terrible years she died. This caused me to have more desire to study and work to be vet.
I can finally say that I love all animals but I can say that my favorite animal is the dog.
dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2015
My village
I live in L'Armentera. L'Armentera is a small village situated in l'Alt Empordà in the province of Girona, in Catalonia. It has three neighbours villages Sant Pere Pescador is separated by the river Fluvià and the other villages are Ventalló, Saldet, Montiró. The Armentera is surrounded by fields, it has a beautiful landscape
There are 901 persons but I like because I know all people and always I wave everybody. I remember when I went to school and the classes we were seven persons, the clases seem tutorial. People are very united and so many things are done. For example, when carnival is made a great meal and also every year the people do a bike ride. Like all village, my village has festivals, the winter festival of my town is on November, and the summer festival is on July.
In Winter this village is a ghost town, but in summer is filled with people from Barcelona or other cities. In the summer my friends and I get together with friends from neighboring villages or Barcelona we are a group great. We do many things.We go to the river or beach by ride bike and we go out in the village at night and we talk about what we are going to do tomorrow. We go to the partys of our town and the towns that are near.
For this resaon I love my village. It is true that aesthetically not very nice but the people who live there are great.
In Winter this village is a ghost town, but in summer is filled with people from Barcelona or other cities. In the summer my friends and I get together with friends from neighboring villages or Barcelona we are a group great. We do many things.We go to the river or beach by ride bike and we go out in the village at night and we talk about what we are going to do tomorrow. We go to the partys of our town and the towns that are near.
For this resaon I love my village. It is true that aesthetically not very nice but the people who live there are great.
divendres, 23 d’octubre del 2015
In the lion's den: The Indian women who answer cat calls
I explain a little summary about this new In te lion's den: The Indian woman who answer cat calls.
I found in BBC and I found it very interested and it's very curious because is divided with three parts. Is divided with three parts because each part speak a person different.
This news is about three indian womens worked in a Gir sanctuary. In this sanctuary they recovering and protecting a big cats.
The first woman is Rasila Vadher. She explain a little bit her life. People of her community are very conservative. The girls are educated for will get married and cook for her husband's family. But she didn't want follow this tradition and she wanted to study. She need study and fine work. Because her dad died very early and her mother had to work hard.
She wanted to get a job in the forest department, this sanctuary there are big cat
Rasila Vadher had to make a tough test, long-jump competition, obstacle course.. And she got and she bagan work this job. She began working as a guard in the field, protecting and rescuing wild animals. Her mates didn't want have a woman in his work.
Today, she is very respected member of the rescue team and has been involved in nearly 900 rescues 200 of them involving lions and 425 involving leopards.
The second woman is Darshana Kagada. Also she explain a little bit her life and why she is a member of the rescue. People of her community are very conservative like the Rasila Vadher. Her dad wanted she will work for her husband's family. Her dad is very conservative. That's why she knew the forest department was recruiting, she went to her sister's house and persuaded her husband to take as for the exam. She told her father only after she got the job. Today her father is very proud for she. She rescues a lot of lions.
The third woman is Getta Ratadiya. Getta Ratadiya saw a lion in the scentuary when she was just four years old because her grandfather and her father both worked as forest guards. Ratadiya has been involved in many rescue operations and also takes care of the animals at the rescue centre.On the days there is no rescue, she taking care of injured, sick and abandoned animals.
I like reading this article because I didn't know this sanctuary exsisted. I choose this news because I love the animals and I fpund interesting this job. I will like work in this center. After reading this news I went to look at their website and discovered the most curious and interesting things.
dijous, 8 d’octubre del 2015
I chose the song "get up stand up" by Bob Marley because this song is very rebellious. Bob Marley speaks about defending our rights.
He says: God will not save you and will not help the people, that's why we have to fight and defend our freedoms and rights.
We won't wait for God and we will take advantage of life.
Levantate, defiendete,
defiende tus derechos!
Levantate, defiendete, defiende tus derechos!
Levantate, defiendete, defiende tus derechos!
Levantate, defiendete, no abandones la lucha!
Predicador no me digas
Que el cielo esta bajo la tierra
Se que tu no sabes
Que la vida de verdad vale
No todo lo que brilla es oro
La mitad de la historia nunca lo dijo
Y ahora ves la luz, eh!
Defiende tus derechos, vamos!
Levantate, defiendete, defiende tus derechos!
Levantate, defiendete, defiende tus derechos!
Levantate, defiendete, no abandones la lucha!
Predicador no me digas
Que el cielo esta bajo la tierra
Se que tu no sabes
Que la vida de verdad vale
No todo lo que brilla es oro
La mitad de la historia nunca lo dijo
Y ahora ves la luz, eh!
Defiende tus derechos, vamos!
mayoria de la gente piensa
Que el gran dios vendra del cielo
Desapareciendo todo
Y haciendolos sentir en las alturas
Pero si sabes lo que vale la vida
Tu buscaras a los tuyos en la tierra
Y ahora ves la luz
Defiende tus derechos! Jah
Levantate, defiendete (Jah-Jah)
Defiende tus derechos (ohh-hoo)
Levantate, defiendete, (levantate, defiendete)
No abandondes la lucha! (la vida es tu derecho!)
Levantate, defiendete, (no podemos abandonar la lucha!)
Defiende tus derechos (señor, señor)
Levantate, defiendete (sigamos en la lucha!)
No abandones la lucha (yeah!)
Estamos enfermos y cansados de tu juego
Muriendo en nombre de dios, señor
Lo sabremos que cuando lo entendamos
El Todopoderoso es un hombre vivo
Puedes engañar a algunas personas a veces
Pero no puedes engañar a toda la gente siempre
Ahora vemos la luz (que haras?)
Defenderemos nuestros derechos! (yeah, yeah yeah!)
Asi que mejor..
Que el gran dios vendra del cielo
Desapareciendo todo
Y haciendolos sentir en las alturas
Pero si sabes lo que vale la vida
Tu buscaras a los tuyos en la tierra
Y ahora ves la luz
Defiende tus derechos! Jah
Levantate, defiendete (Jah-Jah)
Defiende tus derechos (ohh-hoo)
Levantate, defiendete, (levantate, defiendete)
No abandondes la lucha! (la vida es tu derecho!)
Levantate, defiendete, (no podemos abandonar la lucha!)
Defiende tus derechos (señor, señor)
Levantate, defiendete (sigamos en la lucha!)
No abandones la lucha (yeah!)
Estamos enfermos y cansados de tu juego
Muriendo en nombre de dios, señor
Lo sabremos que cuando lo entendamos
El Todopoderoso es un hombre vivo
Puedes engañar a algunas personas a veces
Pero no puedes engañar a toda la gente siempre
Ahora vemos la luz (que haras?)
Defenderemos nuestros derechos! (yeah, yeah yeah!)
Asi que mejor..
Get up, stand up, stand up for
your right (3 times)
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth
Preacher man don't tell me heaven is under the earth
I know you don't know what life is really worth
not all that glitters in gold and
Half the story has never been told
So now you see the light, aay
Stand up for your right. Come on
Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away ev'rything, and make ev'rybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
You stand up for your right, yeah!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
Get up, stand up. Life is your right
So we can't give up the fight
Stand up for your right, Lord, Lord
Get up, stand up. Keep on struggling on
Don't give up the fight
We're sick and tired of your ism and skism game
Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord
We know when we understand
Almighty God is a living man
You can fool some people sometimes
But you can't fool all the people all the time
So now we see the light
We gonna stand up for our right
So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Half the story has never been told
So now you see the light, aay
Stand up for your right. Come on
Most people think great God will come from the sky
Take away ev'rything, and make ev'rybody feel high
But if you know what life is worth
You would look for yours on earth
And now you see the light
You stand up for your right, yeah!
Get up, stand up, stand up for your right
Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight
Get up, stand up. Life is your right
So we can't give up the fight
Stand up for your right, Lord, Lord
Get up, stand up. Keep on struggling on
Don't give up the fight
We're sick and tired of your ism and skism game
Die and go to heaven in Jesus' name, Lord
We know when we understand
Almighty God is a living man
You can fool some people sometimes
But you can't fool all the people all the time
So now we see the light
We gonna stand up for our right
So you'd better get up, stand up, stand up for your right
dimarts, 29 de setembre del 2015
This wonderful film called The longest ride, is about an old man who explains his past love story During the movie the man compares his romantic history with the present history of two lovers who live a life very similar to that of the old man. It is a great movie for people who like romantic films and it's perfect to watch with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Sophia is a young student, her dream is to work in the art world in New York. One day Sophia with her friend are going to see a competition of bulls, in this competition Sophia meets Luke. Luke dream is to learn money to keep the family ranch. They go a first date and they fall in love. When they return the date fine the car overtuned on the road and the old man is wounded.
After this horrific event, Sophia visits the old man in the hospital every day. In this moment is when the man explains his love history. He explains that he had to go to war and after an accident became sterile. His wife wanted childrens, his wife loved art, they had a many complicated sad times and others very nice... a great love story that was very similar to sophia and lukes. But the old man story didn't end happy because his wife died early. Sophia and Luke also has their differences, they like diferents things, Sophia wanted to go to New York to study art and Luke wanted to stay at the ranch. They had a lot discussions and until split up , but in the end after too many events got back togheter again.
This was very similiar story to the old man. Two stories with complicated situations but with a happy ending.
This film
was nominated in teen choice awards on 2015 and the actor Scott Eastwood won the best actor in teen choice awards.
It is an
extraordinary and moving performance by great actors and actresses. I didn't know the actor Scott Eastwood but now I love him.
The longest
ride is gripping and entertaining, it is romantic and full of drama. I loved it.
The soundtrack gives the old man's story more dramatic effect. The special effects are not necessary, that's why there
aren't any. The scenery is very beautiful and peaceful.
I like this
film but when I saw the trailer, I thought it was about horses instead it was a very moving romantic drama. And also there aren't action or
adventures in the movie.
divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015
Now, I'm going to tell a little of my life.
I live in L'Armentera. L'Armentera is a small village next to Sant Pere, is a small village but is very quiet and the people are very friendly. There are a good group of friends, my friends and I do a lot of things in this summer, We went in a beach every morning and often we swam in the lake or river at the afternoon . We met in the square every night and spoke about we will do tomorrow.
But finish the summer and began the school. I'm very stressed and I'm frightened
because the batxillerat is very complicated and I will have get a good marks because in the future I will study to vet.
I know it's very hard and I'm not clever but batxillerat it's the only solution for veterinary career.
I love the animals I have two dogs and other animals.
I have two brothers, older brother has 23 years but he has a disability and he doesn't study, he "working" in L'Altem. And my younger brother is a teenager and study in Castello d'Empuries the same school with me.
I wish to pass fast the two years of batxillerat.
Hi Sonia
I would like to tell you a little about my self and explain why I'm doing the 1st scientific batxillerat and why I didn't choose the social batxillerat, and what career I would like do.
I live in L'Armentera. L'Armentera is a small village next to Sant Pere. It is very quiet and the people are very friendly. I have a good group of friends, my friends and I do a lot of things last summer. We went to a beach every morning and often we swam in the lake or river at the afternoon . We met in the square every night and spoke what about we will do tomorrow.
Now summer has finished and school has begun. I'm very stressed and I'm frightened
because the batxillerat is very complicated and I will have to get good marks because in the future I will study to be a vet.
I know it's very hard and I'm not clever but batxillerat it's the only solution for veterinary career.
I love animals I have two dogs and other animals.
I have two brothers. My older brother is 23 years and he has a disability and he doesn't study. he is "working" in L'Altem. And my younger brother is a teenager and studys in Castello d'Empuries the same school with me.
I hope I can pass quickly...
dilluns, 27 d’abril del 2015
The rabbit family
The rabbit family was having tea on a beautiful Saturday morning. The uncle rabbit and the young rabbit went to the park. They found other rabbits and they played and spoke. The young rabbit danced with his friends. They celebrated friend's birthday.
Mean while the mum rabbit and her daughter piced up apples for the winter.
Suddenly, the girl rabbit heard a noise through the flowers and she ws very nervous.
After, surprisingly she found a big cow. The cow explained:
"Hello rabbit, I didn't want to scare you, but I have to explain something. Your brother rabbit diedin the park because a hunter appeared and killed huim I'm so sorry".
The girl rabbit was very sad and she cried and cried , but suudnely a rabbit butterfly appeard. This amazing animal was her brother. When he died he became a butterfly. The brother butterfly said: Don't cry. I will be with you always, take this jar of soap. When you below bubbles I will be with you.
The rabbit girl was very worried about this situation and she started to skip. Wthout noticing evening fell, and she returned to her noise abd she took a bath with her brothers.
Meanwhile her dad was cooking dinner and her uncle was lisening to music. The family was very sad but also they were happy because they could see the rabbit butterfly when they wanted.
dimecres, 8 d’abril del 2015

I also went see mic, mic is the football tournament. This tournament played Manchester, Barça, Real Madrid, Figueres..I liked to see this tournament because it was very emotional and competitive. I also saw the female semifinals of basketball. the team that wons the semifinals was Uni Girona, it was very fun.
dimecres, 18 de març del 2015

My favourite season in the year is the Summer.
I love it because is holidays and I don't go to school.
Also i like summer because the weather is very hot and a good sun. It's perfect for swim in the beach or in the swimmingpool.I like it because I and my friends we go to the river by ride bike and we go out in the village at night and we talk about what we are going to do tomorrow. We go to the partys of our town and the towns that are near. I meet new people and we do a lot of new friends. My friends and I we go to camping and we have a good time and we do a lot of things. My friends and I are going to PortAventura Aquabrava always in summer is a tradition.
dimecres, 11 de març del 2015
In this photo I can see a landscape with mountains and Aurora borealis. At the bottom of the image I can see five horses. On the field behind the horses I can see a large dark sky and the green aurora borealis. In front of the horses there is a lake, in the lake you can see the reflection of the aurora borealis and horses. In the middle of the picture there is a fiel, the field looks like a straight line going from right to left. that's a good, impressive, peaceful, natural and moving place. This image is made in Island.
In this photo I can see a surfer. This surfer is catching a wave. On the left of the image you can see a big wave and on the right an other big wave. At the bottom of the image you can see a surfer inside the two blue waves, the two waves make heart-shaped image. On top of the image you can see the blue sky. It's a very impressive, relaxing and emotional photo. This picture is madeat an Australian beach.
dilluns, 19 de gener del 2015
INTERVIEWER: Hello Claire Danes, we are two interviewers from the “megafamous” tv programme. Have you got any time? We would like to ask some questions to you about the film Romeo and Juliet.
CLARIE DANES: Yes, of course. There’s no problem.
INTERVIEWER: Thank you. How do you describe your experience as a protagonist of the film?
CLARIE DANES: It was a wonderful experience to participate and be the main character in the film, next to Leonardo Dicaprio.
INTERVIEWER: How was your relationship with Leonardo Dicaprio? Could you explain it in three words?
CLARIE DANES: He’s a fantastic peer to work toghether. I hope to live again good moments with his. In three words… I can’t describe so much in only three words.
INTERVIEWER: It was easy for you to interprete this character? Had you got to change so much your personal caracter?
CLARIE DANES: Was easy for me to do Juliet's character.
INTERVIEWER: Did you have any difficulties to learn all the verses you had to say?
CLARIE DANES: Yes, a little, but it was amused.
INTERVIEWER: Finally, do you think that this film makes you more famous in your career of actress?
CLARIE DANES: Yes, a lot. Thanks to this movie I could get a award and I could be more world-famous.
INTERVIEWER:Thanks for all Clarie Danes.
FAN: Oh, are you Clarie Danes?
CLARIE DANES: Yes.. but.. I don’t have any time, sorry.
FAN: Please Clarie! It’s just a moment! I just want a selfie with you!
CLARIE DANES: It’s okay, but quikly please.
(The fan take a selfie)
FAN:Oh thanks Claire! I’m your fan number one!
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