I speak about my favourite film.
I have a lot favourite films. I like Saga Crepusculo, Tres metros sobre el cielo, Flicka and more films. But yesterday I saw Els diamants de sang in Tv3 and I love it.
The biggining I trough the film I didn't like but immediately I was hooked and could not stop watching the movie.
Few films made me cry but when I saw this film I could not stop crying. It's a dramma and action film. Throughout the Diamants de sang there are action, all the while they are with war, fights, shots, blood and death. Kidnap children to make them soldiers also the terrorist raping girls and their husbands are slaves. A terrible and sad situation.
The history of the movie happens in Africa in the mines.
The worst is that the film is made on real events, and today there are many children abducted drugs and they use of soldiers, and her o his family don't know where are.
This movie made me think that there are may children are a bad moments and they have to live a horrible life.
I don't know how to do it but I would help them.

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