divendres, 12 de febrer del 2016

What are the consequences of judging by appearances only?

What are the consequences of judging by appearances only?

There are many consequences, as we see reflected in the book by Frankenstein, the monster didn't had fault to be ugly and different from other people, he didn't had choice. Only the appearance was judged for everybody, the persons accused and  mistreated the monster and they didn't know like was really.  We can see the monster was good. As we see a part of the book where the monster does a friend an old blind. The blind didin't  see and consequently he  guided for his personality and not physical appearance.
Before most people distrusted. When they see someone who had some disease or something rare they didn'tt want. People are guided fot the physical.
But although now there are many people who are guided by the physical aspect.

I have a disabled brother and I can see these situations many times.When we walked  the streets in the citys or villages the people ignorant him look bad.
Sometimes  when we go to the doctor. The doctor looked at him from a distance because make him afraid. And my brother it's diferent but the difference makes us all the same.

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