divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016



In this post I'm going to explain my opinion about the  GRIT video (Grit): The power of passion and perseverance

This teacher and psychologist explains that people who have better performance, persistence and determination will get a better future than people with good talent.

My opinion is that she has reason  is right. I agree with everything she says.

Because you can be clever or have a talent but if you don't have persistence and determination is very difficult to have a good future.

For example I have many clever friends but they have left school. However I have friends who aren't clever but they are very determinaTED and they don't give up.

Also, I believe that teachers and parents must give motivations because children are very pessimistic. but there are children who don't have support at home but they have to be stronger and optimists.

Resultat d'imatges de ted talks angela

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