diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2016



This wonderful film called war horse, is about the extraordinary story of friendship among the young Albert and a horse named Joey, separating his ways because beginning of the First World War. 

Albert has a very strong connection with his horse but arrive war and his father sells horse because they need money.  The father of Albert sell Joey to an army officer named Captain Nicholls. Thereafter Albert and his horse are separated. Joey fight the war with Captain Nicholls but after the death of Captain, Joey goes through many owners.  He lives many sad and violent situations. On the other hand, Albert has to go to war while he is at war, he reunited with his beloved horse. Joey is very hurt but finally gets to live and they return home. 

This film was nominated for best film also for best soundtrack and more awards. It is an extraordinary and moving performance by great actors. I didn’t know the horse Joey but now is my favourite horse. I love it. The war horse is gripping and entertaining, it is a suspense and a full of drama. 
The soundtrack gives more dramatic effect. The special effects represent war very well. The scenery is very sad, dark and dramatic.

I like this film and it’s the one of my favourite movies. But when I saw the trailer I think that I don’t like it but now I love it. 



In this post I going to talk about my favourites songs. I explain the four types of songs I hear. The first song is Trenca els Miralls the Aspencat. I like this song for lyrics. This song refers to women who are abused it is very significant and very hard. It talks about gender violence that increasingly there is more to this world.  It refers to these women we have to be strong and not let them be superior to us.

Other song is El vals del obrero this song sounds in many parties of  the villages and makes me think of the summer. This song is for me very significant because represents our group of friends.when we hear the song we go crazy and we can't stop jumping. I feel free and without worries. I fully disconnect  I just want jump and shout. Is an epic song.

This song reminds me of those summer nights Every night we were in the town square. And when we bored we started to sing this song. We sang this song to the people of Barcelona  who come to spend the summer in L'Armentera. We laughed a lot when  we sang this song. We like to seem like to farmers. Also when we returned the festivities of neighbour villages. And when we returned walking we sang this song .


In this post I explain my family. my family it's  small but we very united. Almost always on saturday's we lunch with my cousins and uncles and often we lunch with my grandparents on Sundays. we see very often. 
I have a good friendship with my cousin. She is 20 years and she have a lot of clothes and sometimes she leaves garmets for hanging out with my friends to the party. I have lucky because she have the same estatura.  Also she have a car and I like when she takes me by car because we laugh a lot  

But the best memories with my cousins is when we went  the campsite. We had fun when we did trips in the mountains and we bathed in the cold rivers. These times were fantastic and unique.

For other part I have a little cousin, she is 7 years. I loved her but she is  very annoying. She love be in command and I don't like. 
Plus, I love my grandparents are very important for me. I would don't  know  what would I do without them

And finally I explain with my brothers, I have two brother one brother named is Adria and the second brother named is Ferran. But the most special is my brother Adrià. He is 24 years but his mentality is 7 years.  Because he have a disability. For me is very normal because it's my brother and I see every day, but the problem is when we go buy or  we walk in the streets the people are looking my brother and normally with bad face. I hate those persons. I understand than my brother is different but sometimes the people would have to pretend more  their glances. 
Yes, my brother is spacial for other persons but he never would do hurt nobody. I love when he laugh, my other brother and I have a great time when he laugh and dancewhen he listen music in the car. But also sometimes is very stubborn but I have to be patient. I Recognize sometimes I would have to pay more attention for he , my other brother play with him more than I.  

divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016



Provide do I think that humor is an important role in life? I have many reasonings but the most important I think that people need humor for live.

Because there are a lot drama and tragedies in this world. Everyday there are more people live in bad conditions but nevertheless they trust have humor. My question is why do people still have humor if they have a terrible life? My answer is because is the last that they have.

Secondly, I think that humor is very important for students life because there are a lot students who don't have humor because of the studies and this affects their social life.

Finally, My conclusion is that humor plays an important Role in life. I would say more arguments in favour.


US, Companies Should Protect Child Tobacco Workers

I choose another news in the same website, this news titule  Us, Companies Should Protect Child Tobacco Workers

16-year-old tobacco worker

This second news speaks about the same topic, but this news focuses on child labour. It is an article published in Washington Post Magazine. The news reports one case of two boys that work in Tabaco farms to help their parents with the marry. They are poor family, so their parents need the economical help of his sons to can go ahead.

According to the news, child labour is dangerous because  children are in contact with nicotine, toxic pesticides , extreme heat and other dangers that could have long-term consequences on their health. Finally, the article says that politicians should ban these works.

My conclusion is that the big problem is the poverty if povery doesn’t exist, then poor families don’t should not force their children to work. 



In this post I'm going to explain my opinion about the  GRIT video (Grit): The power of passion and perseverance

This teacher and psychologist explains that people who have better performance, persistence and determination will get a better future than people with good talent.

My opinion is that she has reason  is right. I agree with everything she says.

Because you can be clever or have a talent but if you don't have persistence and determination is very difficult to have a good future.

For example I have many clever friends but they have left school. However I have friends who aren't clever but they are very determinaTED and they don't give up.

Also, I believe that teachers and parents must give motivations because children are very pessimistic. but there are children who don't have support at home but they have to be stronger and optimists.

Resultat d'imatges de ted talks angela

dimarts, 27 de setembre del 2016


My dear Montse,
Today I'm going to explain about my goals, I don't have a lot of goals but I have dreams and hopes.
First, I'm a pessimist person but sometimes I have hopes. I try and try  to get all my goals and face challanges but when I don't get it is maybe because I don't have to get this.
When I was little my dream was to be a Vet and now I follow with  same idea. To get it I have to put my best effort and I have to meet challenges in the future. 
So my long term goal depends on passing batxillerat. Another long term goal is to do a travel around the world and visit a lot of places, but If I want it I have to study a lot to pay all the travels that I will do.

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016


In this post I'm going to explain  my reflextion about this year. Yes, the begging I was very lost because the last year I don't learn anything it was a quiet course but now I regret because I'm feeling that I lost a year. I compared with last year I work a lot.  Especially with grammar and I do better writings. For exammple I compare with some of the writings. ( My hero, first writing)
My best activity it has been doing grammar exercises and afterthat I play the kahoot for put in practice. I helped to  more understand. The grammar is what I need to increase the level of Englishs for this reason I liked to do grammar. 
In my opinion the grammar it's very important.
Many of the activities we have helped me to improve English. For example, oral presentations I have never liked because I have many nerves and I enjoy bad but but it is a good activity  to begin to have security when talking. 
Plus,  I have been very helpful do a blog because we had to use the grammar, phrasal verbs, vocabulary... and a lot of thing we learnt. 
But I think don't need so many writings we could do less writings but better so we could spend more time. I also believe that we have made the vocabulary too fast and many of the words we don't  remember. 
Next year I would like to continue with this structure this year. I think we do a little of everything and the classes aren't boring.
In my conclusion I improve my level of english than when I began batxilllerat, but I have to improve it more, never is to much. The english can help me to find work in the future and also it helps me to live .new experiences and new people. I think that I improved my expresion and also I have to improve my oral expression.

dissabte, 28 de maig del 2016

PRESENTATION - Water pollution


In this  presentation was very nervous, but equally nervous that the presentations I made formerly.This time , we were the first to make presentació but I think it was better.The structure of the presentation was good and there were many images that helped to explain better presentation. But I think it was a bit bored. We would have be more involved with the public.
I think that we made a good presentation with some mistakes, we have to improve in pronunciation to get a best mark.

dimarts, 24 de maig del 2016



This past summer I took driving licence to motobike. I took with my friend Elvira. Every day we practice the circuit in her garden. It was fun,  we put two rods that made boards and four cones and we built circuit. Finally came the day of the exam, It was a rainy day so we had to take the exam while it rained.But we also approved two. I am very happy to have a driving licence motorcycle.  I have always loved going motorcycle. I like to go to the mountain with motorbike also I would try to do some day trial.
Plus,  I can go to see my granparents more often because I don't need car. Also, I can go  in the library in l'Escala every afernoon.  
In conclusion I have more freedom and I feel more independent without relying on their parents all the time. 



In this post we will talk about my friendships. I have a group of friends that  I know them since I went to daycare. And now still we are together. we got a name that defines us. this name is imagine. Because the six letters of the word are the initials of our names. We are very united and we would like to keep this friendship for life.Every summer we go camping for a week. For us it is a ritual that must be done every summer.Also in the summer our group of friends is much larger because  all the people of Barcelona and Girona arrive in L'Armentera.Many things we do during the summer. Every afternoon we do something different, go to the beach by bike, we go to L'Escala to make ice cream or we take the train and we go shopping in Girona or go to the beaches of Port de la Selva.On the other hand, I spent many afternoons with my neighbor Joana.Usually we walk the dogs and talk about our lives. 

diumenge, 22 de maig del 2016



In this post I am going to explain about Saturday afternoon

It was a good day and I already took home all day doing homework. That’s why I decided with my friends make a break. We arrange to meet at 6:30 we took the motorbike and decided to do something different. We were three and we only had two motorbikes for that reason I took one of my friends behind the motorbike. We to do something different we decided to come up with motorbikes in Puig Seneglar. The Puig Seneglar is a mountain of Viladamat.

At first everything went well but as we go up was complicated because there was too much weight on the bike therefore the bike didn’t advance until the motorbike stopped halfway up. The motorbike started to pull back until I threw the motorbike sideways. We didn’t hurt anywhere but we laugh a lot of the situation.

Finally we arrive the top of the mountain. I had been there several times with my family but my friends had never visited this site. They were very surprised of the incredible site. A large viewpoint with great views. It was a great evening to remember.



Today I am going to explain about the festival in Montagut.

I was very stressed by high school and I had many exams. Exactly in this week started funfair in Figueres and also played one of my favourite groups in Montagut, Montagut is a small village next to Olot.  I wanted to go two places but I knew that I had a lot exams and I couldn’t do two things. For this reason I preferred to go to Montagut with my friends.

The girlfriend of Elvira who took us by car but Montagut is very far for then back after the concert, therefore we decided to sleep in campsite. In the campsite there were very few people, we had everything for us campsite. Was the first day they open the pool and after mounting the tent we went straight to the pool.

After dinner we took the car and we went to the concert. The campsite was a bit far from village.   In the concert played three groups but the best was Aspencat. We are having a great time. We wanted to stay to hear the three concerts before returning to the campsite but Alba who drives the car she wanted to go to sleep before and we didn’t want to leave so early. So we had to walk back we took 30 minutes to arrive the campsite. It was a great adventure, I would like repetition next year.

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016




I have chosen this news " How young people can get involved with something bigger than themseleves" because it taks about things that university students have made to improve the world. I thought it would be interesting.

The news tells of several universities that have made the idees of students in practice. And they have obtained good results.

The first university , University the Barkeley, Marcus Lehman found a way of producing electricity through renewable energy from waves.
Another student, Jeremy Gross, University Sain Louis, he transform a public bus to a mobile market that went to the houses that were isolated from the city.

News says that's great that going people want to find solutions to problems that there are planet. And universities, business and government leave making student ideas. 

I think it is good that they do, we all find solutions to improve the conditions of the Earth.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016




After reading the news "Science says you're stressing your dog out when yo do this one thing" I have more desire to rad more news on these topics. The relations of humans with animals.
This second meeting also news Elite Daily "This experiment just proved you and your dog keep each other healthy" 
The news explains us that people who have pets get a big connection between them. This connection 
produces th owner has less stress. The dog reduces stress.
Plus, It has been verified according to the news. They did an experiment where the owners were separates from your pets. At the reencounter, they experienced changes of heart rates of th dog and the person.
Says the news "There was a really strong coherence in the heart rate pattern of both the owner and dog. Upon being reunited within the first minute, each heart rhythm became almost directly aligned and we saw a reduction straight away."
They made a video where you see this experiment. After reading this news I understood because there are more people of which are indigent have a og that accompanies, because even they have little food they prefer distribute with their pet and live toghether, appearce emotional connextion.

Happy Dog with Owner




I have chosen this news " Science says you're stressing your dog out when you do this one thing" I found very interesting becasue it explained about dogs.Everything related to animals I interested . This news also there is a video that shows what says the news.

It explain that we didn't hug or we tiresome with dogs becuase the dogs get nervous with stress and even anxiety.We are difficult to see but really they are having a bad moment.
Plus, the news warns us that we must watch a childrens because are the principal that stress out dogs. 

I loved reading this news because I'm a person who embrace often dogs. And now, after reading the news I will try not to be so boring. The video was vry interesting and I like it.