divendres, 19 de maig del 2017

Write an opinion essay in which you talke into account the school system? The teachers and the students.

I think that the education system must improve a lot, because everytime more children leave studies with only 16 years. 
Also I think that for improve education system what it takes are more social educators to help more these teenagers witch do not succeed so ahead and they can finish eso.
The teachers everytime there are more than they eorl without vocation and this affects students.
The students who don't have family stable and that there support with studies they left school studies because the teachers also not give motivation. 
I think that the best solution it would be that more relation between teenagers and teachers because it would create more confidence and students would have more interest on the subjects.
Imagine you have a toxic friend that is runing your life. Write a letter to him/her explaining the problem and proposing solutions to re-establish your mutual confidence.

Dear Gemma, how are you?
I write you because I want to help you.
I tire that you tell lines everyday and I help and I be by your side for something that is false.
I know that you don't suffer any disease, you don't be anorexic and all is lie.
I know that now you living the best life because everybody give you all their love and atention. But I think that lie with this disase it's not good, you are very wrong doing this. I'm angry because you lied to me with this big lie, but I want to help you get out of this lie.
I propose to talk with you and you parents about the thruth
Are love-locks romantic or  menace? Write a for argainst essay about this practice.

I think it is difficult to have an open relationship and that It will work out well. If it works it's because  the couple and when they meet with another person who is not their love.
I couldn't have an open relationship because I have a intensive feelings and I couldn't have something with another person if I don't have feelings for him.
I would feel incomfortable. If I will go to study in another country for long time probably I would have an open relationship but with conditions or limits with my couple. For exemple if my boyfriend would go to the party and he wants to be with a girl he can but after he can't give his number neither meet again. It's obiusly that he has to tell me what he has done

dijous, 11 de maig del 2017

Are we too dependent on mobil phones? Could we live without mobile phones nowdays? Write an opinion essay?

In recent years, an increasing number of mobiles pohone around the world phones are a big help, it has a big service. The question is whether this is good for everyone.

One the one hand,  Mobile phones have progressed a lot and almost all people of the world have one. I'm dependent on the mobile phone. I use it many hours and now I wouldn't live without it. 
But  I think that other people would in  the same situation. I think that years ago people could be without mobile phone.

They went out more than now and met each other because they didn't depend on mobile phones.

divendres, 28 d’abril del 2017

Human Rights, China: detained activist, journalist denied needed health care

China are earning an ugly reputation because is preventing acces to adequate medical tratment of their prisioners and aslo some prisioners had suffer tortures from China. We have three diferent case of the illegal behaviour of China. The first case is Guo who was admitted to the prision hospital one year later that he was arrested. He didn't have healthcare tratement before because the prison officers refused and also he complained that his room was in bad conditions. The other case is Gao Yu who has a long history of heart disease: high bloog preasure, a chronic skin allergy and suffers from Ménière's disease. She was only treatedin a hospital the last time that she was in prison.The last one is Tibetan monk Tenzin Delect Rinchope who died in prison. Before his death he was tortured and he was in deterioring health.

In my opinion that is a serious problem and it is necessary to find a solution. China doesn't obey the law. China had doing illegal actions and this is very worrying, we are in XXI century and this is not believable. China acting against the law and also the Human Rights too.

INS Castelló d'Empúries
17486 Castelló d'Empúries
Plaça de Sant Jaume, 4 (Palau de la Generalitat)
08002  Barcelona
93 402 46 00

Dear  Mr. President of the Catalonia,  Carles Puigdemont

We are  writing to complain about the article number five of the human rights, that explains that no one shall be subjected to torture or to curel, inhuman or deagradinf tretament or punishment .

Personally this article is violated in a lot of countries, normally in the developing countries, because these countries people are in poor conditions, and they are more vulnerable to violate this human right. Moreover in these countries is easer to mistreat the women.

We think that it is important to do something for these people and not to prop up these terrible actions. For these reasons we propose to law down laws to stop the violations of the human rights.

Finally, we would like people to be conscious about that and to make possible to put out this information in the magazines or newspaper, because people must realice and make something to improve it and eliminated it.

Yours sincerely,
Anna Cotcho.

divendres, 17 de març del 2017


Nowadays, fortunately, in our world, there is diversity, in each country there are people from other countries and, therefore, with other origins. As time goes on, it seems that diversity is starting to be seen as normal and is accepted by most of the population. Despite this, there are still people who don’t understand nor accept that diversity of people.
Changing a little bit the perspective of this matter, I would consider the idea that people who move on to another country, don’t adapt themselves to the new culture or religion. This could be a problem with some countries, but it seems that in our country we accept that immigrants don’t adapt to our culture.
Therefore, in our country we can find, for example: mosques, women wearing headscarves, men wearing tunics, etc. But it’s not only how we see these immigrants from outside, it’s also how these immigrants think or act according to their religion.

Personally, I think that the last I have said, - how immigrants think or act according to their religion-, is the fact which could create more problems in our society. For instance: the idea of having many children or having two different wives -which is forbidden in our country-. Instead of this, many immigrants have multiple wives.

dijous, 16 de març del 2017



I have chosen this news " How young people can get involved with something bigger than themseleves" because it taks about things that university students have made to improve the world. I thought it would be interesting.

The news tells of several universities that have made the idees of students in practice. And they have obtained good results.

The first university , University the Barkeley, Marcus Lehman found a way of producing electricity through renewable energy from waves.
Another student, Jeremy Gross, University Sain Louis, he transform a public bus to a mobile market that went to the houses that were isolated from the city.

News says that's great that going people want to find solutions to problems that there are planet. And universities, business and government leave making student ideas. 

I think it is good that they do, we all find solutions to improve the conditions of the Earth.

WHY DO WE LOVE? A Philosophical inquiry

WHY DO WE LOVE? A Philosophical inquiry

1.Discuss. Why do we love? It’s heart-breaking and complicated most of the times yet do we need it at all? 
I think everyone needs to love and be loved, either with your couple with your friends or the family, but everyone needs to feel that someone has really loves you and knows that you can always rely on that person when you need more someone by your side. We often need to be loved or loved to forget certain problems or conflicts that we have at certain times in order to spend fun and emotional time without thinking with the problems that we have in our live. There are people who find it difficult to express their feelings, but I think it's not becomes difficult love, since anyone can give and receive love and for no one will feel alone.

2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order.
beautiful-intoxicating-heart-breaking- soul crushing
soul crushing

3. What are the 6 Philosophers mentioned? 
Siddhartha Gautama "Buddha"
Cao Xuequin
Simone de Beauvoir

4. Watch again and write each Philosopher’s view on love.
Platon:<<Love makes us whole again.>> He explored the idea that we love in order to become complete.

Schopenhauer: <<Love tricks us into having babies.>> He maintained that loved based in sexual desire was a voluptuous illusion.

Russell: <<Love is escape from our loneliness.>> He says that we loved in order to quench our physical and phsycological desires.

Siddhartha Gautama "Buddha": <<Love is a misleading affliction>> He says that we love because we are trying to satisfy our base desires.

Cao Xuequin: <<Dream of the Red Chamber>> He says that the romantic love is folly in one of China's greatest classical novels.

Simone de Beauvoir: <<Love lets us reach beyond ourselves>> He proposed that love is the desire to integrate with another and that it infuses our lives with meaning.

5. Vocabulary work. Which Philosopher says what?

1)Dependance on another means boredom and power games: Simone de Beauvoir

2)We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human 
tragedy: Shopenhauer

3)Quench our physical and psychological desires: Russell  

4)It enriches our whole being together: Russell

5)Attachments are a great source of suffering: Siddhartha Gautama "Buddha"

6)Love is the longing to find a soulmate who makes us feel whole again: Platon

7)Love infuses our life with meaning: Simone de Beauvoir

dilluns, 13 de març del 2017

Describing my soulmate

Joana, my soul mate, is 18. I met her four years ago, and she is the best friend that I can have. She is a brown-eyed gril and has got medium weavy borwn hair. She is a dark-skined girl. She is aquite tall and has a beautiful smile.
She is a little bit impatient and nervous but has a big heart. She is really honest and generous. Joana is optimistic and she always tells the truth in the best and in the bad moments. She gives me good advice I always trust her.
Her optimism helps her to do what she wants and fulfil her dreams. She plays volleyball very well and she loves cooking . She loves animals specially the dogs, like me.
I know that I will stay by her side forever because she is the best company. 

Imatge relacionada

What is your view on digital love: speed dating, tinder, marriage sites, sexting etc?

Nowadays in our society love is very important. All the people needs love, not necessarily have a partner, can be love of friends, family, etc, but always love are present. The people are diferent and all need diferents ways of love. Currently the digital love are fashion, and the bussines create a lot apps to promote it.
These apps consist in meet a lot of people that can have a lot in common with you or can be opposite person. It is a way to find love or  you can find friends. These apps are tinder, marriage stites, sexting, speed dating and others. Thanks to these apps a lot of people are leaving the typical love (face to face), to pass to the digital love. Another way that promote the digital love are the new technologies and all the apps that have the most of people on their mobile-phone, computer, etc like whatsapp, facebook, line, etc. These apps turn on the people to changes their point of view of love.

In my opinion the current society are doing a big change, but this change are negative because the love face to face are true, authentic and better than digital love that is more cold and distant. It’s the best way to begin a realtionship: meet the person face to face because you can have the opportunity to have the same conversation that you can have at the mobile but you can listen your voice, see your physique, etc.

Resultat d'imatges de parejas una negra otra blanca

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017

Getty Images 4 Types Of Discrimination We All Need To Keep Fighting Against Worldwide

I chose this news because I want to know how much discrimination there is in the world that I live.

It started talking that day on March 1 there is a manifestation against discrimination.(bigotry, oppression and divisiveness).This demonstration is to fight and try to achieve equality for all. Here are four types of discrimination we all need to keep fighting against worldwide.

The news is divided into four discrimination. It's start talking about Gender-based discrimination and continue explain about racial discrimination,sexual orientation discrimination and finally religious discrimination.

Gener-based discrimination
Even women and girls still have limitations of work or education. Many of them have suffered gender violence. According to the ONU  35% of women around the world they have experienced violence and most girls with less than five years. For example, around 200 million women and girls have been subjected to female genital mutilation in 30 countries. 

Racial discrimination
Millions of people worldwide continue to face racial discrimination daily. Especially in the US see this discrimination. The news tells us an example: White people in America are more likely to sell drugs but there are more blacks arrested for selling drugs.

Sexual orientation discrimination
The news speaks that there are 80 countries that have prohibited same-sex relationships

Religious discrimination
there are a lot discrimination about religion and this causes many wars and many deaths.

In my opinion  It is very sad this situations above all the century we live.We are very ignorant.I hope that someday these discriminations disappear


This time I chose a very different news wich I did formerly. Another topic that interests me a lot, news titled "Kenya is about to devastate the global refugee population"

This news talks about refugees in Kenya acoording to the news, Kenya will close refugee camps. One of the world's largest camp more than 300.000 people. Kenya decided to close the refugees camps for economic worries and terrorism threaten.
Therefore Kenya close refugee camps and it doesn't accept any more refugees.These people have nowhere to go, they ravased by war, proverty and persecution.
That's why, according news the human rights groups are fighting against decision of the country. 

I was very surprised this news. Although currently common to see these misfortunes. The centuary in which we live I can't understand why there are theese hardship. Is very sad. 
One of my objectives is will go to help refugees as volunteer.I would be happy to do anything profit.

Teenager sued ove 'Snapchat speed filter car crash' in US state of Georgia

Christal McGee is accused because she was using Snapchat at the same time that she was driving. The intention of that is because she wanted sign a high velocity to show it in Snapchat. She caused an accident. She only had weigh wounds but the man who drives the other car had serious wounds and problems and he can't will do his normal life because he have to go with wheelchair. Snapchat said that these filters are not did to incite the people to use it when they are driving.

Car destroyed by crash
The people are not conscient of their acts, because use the mobile-phone during the driving are very dangerous. The girl never will be conscient of the damage that she caused, and an innocent man is paing the unconsciousness of a inmature girl. In my opinion this girl will have to pay during the rest of the life all the costs that caused. We have to put high fine when someone use the mobile at the same time that are driving.,
Petition to close Whitby graveyard during the town's bi-annual Goth weekend

Some residents of Whitby did a petition to close Whitby graveyard during the town's bi-annual Goth weekend. This petition was started by a woman who create change.org page because she saids that the people use the graveyard to take photos with the graves and it is disrespectful for the families and for the church. The Goth weekend is celebrated two times in year, it is a music festival. Who organized the Goth weekend saids that what do the people is not their fault, because what people do is not their responsability.

I agree with the petition of the woman because the graveyard is a place that we must to respect it. What do the people of the festival is a bad behaviour, we have to had empathy with the people who do the complaint. In my opinion the organitzation of the festival have to do something to stop it. 

Goths in Whitby graveyard

Fulfilling the Promise of Ending Child Marriage

In this post I’m going to explain about news “Fulfilling the Promise of Ending Child Marriage”

This news explains life of Mahek Karn, age 19. She lives in Napal, she has a special life because she married at 16 years and she had three sons.
Mahek Karn told a reporter than she would not have kids if she had known she would lose them.

According to the news where there are more child marriages is in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The child marriage has many negative consequences. For example, because of the early pregnancy, married children usually leave school and there are a lot poverty and violence because the girls are Young and their husbands abuse them.
#EndChildMarriageFinally the news says than the OUN made the International day of the girl. It’s 11 of  Octuber.

In my opinion I think that ONU is doing a good job because that girls have the life they deserve. Two months ago, I saw many cases about child marriage. All the children were less than 16 years and they had been forced to marry. It was very impressive.
I liked reading this news because I understand everything. 

divendres, 20 de gener del 2017


Osman: How did it look to you? Give me a mark.

Ingrid: The best with difference.

Osman: Come a little bit closer. Something was missing for me.

Ingrid: Say it to me…

Osman: Stand up.


Osman: You’ve a flat ass and you need two more size of boobs.

Ingrid: Are you kidding me?

Osman: No, it’s only to improve yourself.

Ingrid: Mmmmh… To improve myself?

Osman: Yes, you only need that to be perfect, and I can do this surgery.

Ingrid: Are you a surgeon?

Osman: Yes, I am.

Ingrid: Sorry, but I’m not interested in plastic surgery. Get out please.

Osman: Calm down silly...Why?

Ingrid: I don’t like people who only care about the looks.

Osman: Oh darling...you’re very naive…

Ingrid: Beauty isn’t all.

Osman: You’re wrong. Plastic surgery is the future, everybody dreams of being perfect. If you hadn’t found me handsome, you wouldn’t have ended up in bed with me.

Ingrid: Mmmh… maybe you’re night… Sincerely, I found you perfect. Have you ever had surgery?

Osman: No, I was born perfect.

Ingrid: You’re just so stuck up your own ass.

Osman: [laugh] Well, think on that baby… I could make you an special offer.

Ingrid: Do you say that to all girls you fuck?

Osman: To those aren’t perfect.

Ingrid: They are the most?

Osman: Yes.

Ingrid: And do they all fall?

Osman: More or less, they know it’s best for them.

Ingrid: How stupid, you really fuck well in order to convince them.

Osman: Don’t you know already?

Ingrid: Mmmmh… Maybe… But that’s not enough.

Osman: Do you want to do it again?

Ingrid: No, thanks. So you only do this to get money from the operations, isn’t it?

Osman: No, I only do it for your own good. But, it’s ok, I go away.

Resultat d'imatges de parejas hombre negro y mujer blanca